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Conference History



2021 10th International Conferenceon Bioinformatics and Biomedical Science (ICBBS 2021)

October 29-31, 2021, Xiamen, China (Online)

Publication: ACM Conference Proceedings (ISBN: 978-1-4503-8430-8) (Click), indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus, and the selected papers of ICBBS 2021 have been published in the Genes as a Special Issue, indexed by Scopus, SCIE and so on (Click).

The delegates from various countries and regions like Russia, Mexico, Italy, USA, Japan, Peru, China, Brazil, and so on participated and presented in the conference.

On October 30, 2021, Prof. Kenta Nakai from The University of Tokyo made an Opening Remarks, which was followed by three wonderful keynote speeches and 1 invited speech. The keynote speeches were carried by Prof. Cathy Wu from University of Delaware, Prof. Xuegong Zhang from Tsinghua University, Prof. Tohru Kamiya from Kyushu Institute of Technology. The invited speech was delivered by Prof. Chen Qiao from Xi’an Jiaotong University. On October 31, Prof. Zheng Zhou from Chinese Academy of Sciences and Prof. Peiyu Zhang from Henan University made interesting invited speeches.

Six oral sessions on “Computational Biology and Biomedical Signal Analysis”, “Machine Learning in Biomedical Engineering”, “Biomedical Imaging and Image Processing”, “Applied Statistics and Modeling in Biomedicine”, “Bioinformatics and Gene Analysis”, “Oncology, Pharmacy and Clinical Medicine” were successfully held under the joint efforts of session chairs and all presenters. Thiago Eustaquio Alves de Oliveira from Lakehead University, Weihao Pan from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Jiaqi Wu from Kyushu Institute of Technology, Ziyi Xiao from New York University Shanghai, Bhuvan Mittal from University of North Texas and Kazuki Takabatake from Tokyo Institute of Technology won the Best Oral Presentation Awards. The detailed information can be found Here.